Saturday, June 25, 2011

Clouds are imaginary.

Think about it.  Now look above you, is there a cloud? If so, that is because you were thinking and a cloud appeared above your head. The top sciencetographers at ScienceFactz LLC have been hard at work thinking of new science. While thinking of new science, they looked up and noticed clouds. But when we sent the dead bodies of our old scientographers to the desert to be buried we noticed something. No people: no clouds. How could this be? Well think about it, now look up again. That is right, more clouds. Thoughts cause clouds. "BUT WAT ABOUT RAIN" some say. Well, those are sad thoughts.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

We're back!

Hello beloved readers, after a very long hiatus I am proud to announce that we are back in action!
So what happened? Well after doing an enormous amount of scienceing and what not, our top Scientographers started to complain that they weren't getting enough pay. They are all dead now.
Good news is that we have even better, faster, smarter, cheaper Scientographers working for us. In the coming months be prepared to read about the latest in Scienceing and what not, we might even post our cure to cancer.