Saturday, June 25, 2011

Clouds are imaginary.

Think about it.  Now look above you, is there a cloud? If so, that is because you were thinking and a cloud appeared above your head. The top sciencetographers at ScienceFactz LLC have been hard at work thinking of new science. While thinking of new science, they looked up and noticed clouds. But when we sent the dead bodies of our old scientographers to the desert to be buried we noticed something. No people: no clouds. How could this be? Well think about it, now look up again. That is right, more clouds. Thoughts cause clouds. "BUT WAT ABOUT RAIN" some say. Well, those are sad thoughts.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

We're back!

Hello beloved readers, after a very long hiatus I am proud to announce that we are back in action!
So what happened? Well after doing an enormous amount of scienceing and what not, our top Scientographers started to complain that they weren't getting enough pay. They are all dead now.
Good news is that we have even better, faster, smarter, cheaper Scientographers working for us. In the coming months be prepared to read about the latest in Scienceing and what not, we might even post our cure to cancer.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Earth is Flat: Mathemiracle Proofs

If you're like the Scientographers at ScienceFactz, LLC, you're still very skeptical about this whole "round Earth" claim.  Sure, people claim to have sailed around the Earth, but what does that prove?  For all we know the could've been in Jamaica the whole time.  In fact, our Historologists at our subsidiary Hiztory, LLC recently discovered this map in Ferdinand Magellan's private journal revealing the true details of his "voyage"

 Attached was a caption that read as follows:
1. Acquire boats
2. Pretend to sail around the world
3. ???

This is irdisutible proofs that Magellan and all subsequent explorers were, in fact, phonies.

Now that we have established why nobody could have ever sailed around the Earth, I will reveal my new revelation as to why the Earth is believed to be ballular.  What you are about to see is a picture taken by our satellite from our space program, NAZA.  It contains inquestionable evidences that the Earth only appears to be flat.  Be warned, this image is very shocking.  It has not been tampered with, with the exception of the labels that have been added for your benefit.

That's right!  There is a giant mirror in outer-space, the same type available at your local Bed, Bath, and Beyond.  It is our hypothesizz that the mirror was placed there by Poseidon 9001 years ago to create the illusion of a much larger ocean, thus making his step-dad Zeus jelly.  As you can clearly see, the mirror reflects the image from the opposite side of the Earth Circle to the other, thus making the illusion of a sphere.  This explains why genius-woman Sarah Palin thought she could see Russia from her window.  In fact she could not; it was merely (mirrorly, get it?) a reflection produced by the almighty Space Mirror.  This explains many claims that have surfaced of people being able to go past the horizon.  They were never, in fact, past the horizon.  They just thought they were due to the holograms produced by Space Mirror.  

In conclusion, we should all thank Space Mirror for the wonderful work he has done by keeping us from falling off the edge of the world into Hades nevermore.  Thx!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Good News, Everyone!

As of today, August 28, 2010, at approximately 1:41 AM EDT, ScienceFactz LLC would like to announce that it has signed a ten-year contract with The Prescott Group and Aperture Science Laboratories.  This new exclusive power, or as we call it, "The Axis of Science," will ensure maximum profitability and and is sure to be beneficial for all parties involved.  For a long time, ScienceFactz LLC has greatly admired the noble work of these two companies.  This new alliance will allow us to broaden our horizons in the field of "science."

Projects we plan to collaborate on include:

  • Human corpse disposal technology
  • Toxic waste-to-food processing
  • Teaching monkeys how to use explosives
  • Inventing counter-air bag technology
  • Ways to get away with corporate fraud
  • Advanced computer hacking
  • Lunar displacement and containment
  • The effects of bears on newborns
  • Cloning and resurrecting deceased dictators
  • Planet-wide sunlight-obstructing technology
  • Fish-shaped WMDs
  • And many more!

We hope you are as excited for this alliance as we are!

On another note, ScienceFactz LLC is looking for test subjects for its latest, top-secret project!  If you are interested, please call 1-800-278-8736.  A party representative will arrive shortly thereafter to pick you up and take you to the newly-redone Aperture Science Testing Facility.

Important Announcement!

I have a very important announcement to make! That is the end of my announcement

Sunday, August 15, 2010

If you shine a bright "light" on a triangle then you get an new element.

So yesterday was Saturday and that's MovieKnight™ at ScienceFactz™ LLC. So the scientographers and I wanted to watch something sciency and decided to go with Fe Man 2. During the movie we noticed something amazing, Fe Man created a new element by shining a "light" on a triangle. At first we thought it was element Evil but it wasn't :(. So to test this theory we captured some "light" and pointed it towards a triangle that we made out of asbestos. At first we thought it wasn't working but then out of no where the asbestos triangle began to float in the air. Scared for his life one of our Scientographers shit at it till it fell to the ground. We went up to it and found out that it was an entirely new element. Thank you for that tip Fe Man!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

What Is Science?